OD Nilsson - Contact & Requests

The hyperrealistic reconstructions of O.D. Nilssons´ are made by the sculptor and forensic artist Oscar D. Nilsson.

O.D. Nilsson was founded in 1996 and the studio is situated in Stockholm, Sweden. If required, we have collaboration partners that can provide with scanning of original skulls and 3D printing of copies. The projects are always documented in high quality photographs. Videos covering the reconstruction process can be produced on request.

With assistance from specialized craftsmen and scientists, we provide museums worldwide with 3D and 2D reconstructions of historical findings. Lectures are also given at universities, conferences and museums. Expertised in the human face, O.D. Nilsson also creates sculptures like portraits, characters, scale figures e t c. “The human face is a motif that never ceases to fascinate me: the variation of the underlying structure as well as the variety in details seem endless. And all the faces I reconstruct are unique. They are all individuals.”

+46 70 402 91 45